5 Unexpected and Unique Ways to Repurpose Your Backyard Shed

If your backyard shed is looking more like a rundown eyesore, don’t tear it down! A storage shed might be named as such

If your backyard shed is looking more like a rundown eyesore, don’t tear it down! A storage shed might be named as such, but that doesn’t mean that you necessarily have to limit it to just “store things.” There are many unique and creative ways to turn that old shed into a newly repurposed space that you can really enjoy for very little cost.

Work Not-So-Remotely From Home

COVID undoubtedly had a huge effect on the way that many workers were able to conduct business. If you were one of the millions who found that working from home was more convenient and decided to make it a permanent situation, then your shed might be a great way to work not so remotely from home. Turn your old backyard shed into a new office, complete with WiFi, and have a home office where you can still wear your PJs if you want, but you can also find respite from the bustle of your home.

Working Out in the Great Outdoors

As the colder weather starts to make its way to the Charleston area, exercising outdoors in the frigid air might not be your forte! Your backyard shed will likely make a great place to store some exercise equipment, some weights, and a place for you. Instead of investing in a gym membership, extend electricity to your storage shed and enjoy working out just steps from your home.

Charcuterie, Anyone?

With the cost of living on the rise, many of us are readjusting our spending to accommodate it. If your entertainment budget is the first thing that you are cutting, you can repurpose it with a new shed hangout. Have your friends over for wine and make a charcuterie board. You can make a place to hang out inside, with a porch to grab some fresh air. Forget the sitter since you are still home, but don’t sacrifice time for yourself and your besties. We waited too long to gather together to quit now!

Game Time?

With colder temperatures comes football! If you are tired of hitting the sports bar but still want to have some time for yourself and the guys, then make your shed your sports haven. All you need is a makeshift bar, a couple of stools, and a big-screen television. The best part of having a sports bar on the premises? You get to stumble home when the games are over!

Santa’s Workshop?

The holidays will soon be approaching. This year, go the homemade route and put some thought, creativity, and “you” into your gifts. If you turn your backyard shed into your own little “Santa’s workshop,” you can make arts and crafts for family and friends to enjoy. You can also allow your little ones to get creative along with you without worrying about messing up the house or having to safeguard your furniture!

If your storage shed is starting to look like it should be condemned, there is hope. It doesn’t cost much to fix it up, and what you will get is a whole lot more space. However, if there is just no saving it, then Portable Buildings of Ravenel has the solution you need to add an office, workout room, entertainment area, or your own workshop for very little. Contact us today to discuss how we can build you a backyard haven!

Get Organized Before the Spring Landscaping Needs to be Done!

Although winter is still in full swing, spring is right around the corner. And in the South what that means soon it will be time for landscaping, landscaping, landscaping. Don’t spend another spring season spending more time looking for tools than you do using them. This year, build a backyard shed and get organized before the warm weather rushes in. That way, you will be good to go when you need to get out there and get things done. These are just some of the benefits of backyard sheds.

Keep Everything Together

Nothing can waste time more than continually having to look for your tools. Landscaping is a chore that not many of us like. And if you don’t want to waste your entire weekend doing it, then having all your tools in the same place and ready to go is key. A backyard shed is a perfect way to keep everything you need in one place. Then, when you get the motivation to tackle the great outdoors, you will know where everything is!

It is a Space Saver

Tired of your lawnmower, seed spreader, and landscaping tools occupying much-needed room in your garage? Stop piling stuff on top of one another and branch out. A backyard shed is a perfect way to add more storage space to your home so that you can use the garage for more important things, like your car perhaps?

Stop cramming everything in one place that doesn’t fit and opt instead to invest in a place to keep those things that you use outdoors, outdoor.

They are Economical

If you are looking for a little extra storage, you can’t beat the price of a backyard shed. They are the best investment to make for very little actual investment. You aren’t beholden to use them just for your landscaping tools. They can just as easily house your workout equipment, your man tools, or even to be extra space to find your own escape. A backyard shed costs very little but can add a whole lot to your life.

Extend the Lifespan of Your Landscaping Equipment

If you don’t have room for your landscaping tools, then you have probably been keeping them outdoors. And with all the humidity and precipitation that we have in South Carolina, that can wreak havoc on them and shorten their lifespan. A backyard shed will protect all of your expensive equipment from outdoor elements, which means that it will pay for itself in the long run!

Spring might be a ways away, but it will be here before you know it. If this is the year you have resolved to organize your life, then a backyard shed is an excellent place to start. For very little cost, you can house your tools, have more space in your garage for other things, and have everything right where you need it, when you need it. At Ravenel Buildings, we have a vast number of options for your portable storage needs. Contact us today to discuss how we can help get your new year off to a good start.

Four Great Ideas for Your Backyard Shed

Do you ever feel like you are on an episode of the show Hoarder? It is easy to accumulate things around the house especially if you have limited space. Backyard sheds are not only a great place to put all those things that can’t find a home in your home, when designed with a purpose in mind, they can be a great place to find you.

Do you ever feel like you are on an episode of the show Hoarder? It is easy to accumulate things around the house especially if you have limited space. Backyard sheds are not only a great place to put all those things that can’t find a home in your home, when designed with a purpose in mind, they can be a great place to find you. These are just four ideas to make a backyard shed someplace where you can find a hobby, your inner chi, or just a place to escape the everyday!

House Your Outdoor Equipment

If you are finding that your garage is becoming so overrun by outdoor equipment for landscaping it is time to find a better solution. A backyard shed is a perfect hideout for all things landscaping including the lawnmower, the trimmer, and just about every other tool you need. Stop trying to cram everything in where it doesn’t belong and then spending all day trying to find what you need. Backyard sheds are an excellent place to allocate for your landscaping tools.

Make a Man Cave

We all know what it is like to need your own little space to get away and think for a while. A backyard shed is a perfect place to carve out a little place for just you. Set it up so that you can get some office work done, woodworking, or any other hobbies that you enjoy. They are built and constructed so well that they can be used year round as a great place to clear your head!

A Perfect Location for Your Workout Room

If you don’t have any place for your weights and other workout equipment, a backyard shed is an excellent place for it all. You can design them exactly how you want, placing doors, windows, and shelves to make it great place to burn off those extra calories. Stop trying to navigate it all in the garage where there is no space and put your health first and foremost by creating your own little studio!

Restore and House That Muscle Car You’ve Always Wanted!

Backyard sheds make an excellent place to both restore and to house your vehicles. Don’t spend the time putting your heart into restoration and then letting it sit outside year round. If you’ve ever thought that restoring an old Firebird or Muscle car would be fun, what are you waiting for? A backyard shed designed just right can make a great place for you to do what you’ve always wanted and bring an old car back to life!

Although people often think of backyard sheds as a place to put tools and other things you don’t have a space for, they can also make a great place to escape and do the things you’ve dreamed of but never had a place for. At Ravenel Buildings, we can design the backyard shed of your dreams. With a little customization and creativity, you can have an entire building that is a perfect getaway from the everyday. Contact us today to discuss your next project!